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HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings
Precision Ball Bearings
Can't 690.300 Kg Bearing Weight find what you're looking for HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings ? Our expert Precision Ball Bearings Representatives be in Precision accessories MFG.CORP contact with you shortly!
- 690.300 Kg
- 180
- NU
- 0.3959
- 865.000 mm
- 170
- 200.000 mm
- 14600000 N
Precision accessories MFG.CORP2020-07-10 09:46:19
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FAG HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings Specifications
No. | Brand | Q | T | G | C | s | R | B | L |
HCM71918-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7016-E-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71912-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71917-E-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71905-E-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7020-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7021-E-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7008-CDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7013-CDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7013-EDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7020-E-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7019-C-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7014-E-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7014-C-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7019-E-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCB7208-E-2RSD-T-P4S | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7006-E-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7016-EDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71917-CDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7006-EDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71926-C-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7024-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM7007-CDLR-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71926-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
HCM71914-C-T-P4S-XL | FAG | - | - | Tr950x8 | 100 mm | - | - | - | - |
HCM7010-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | Weight:280.7 Kg; Bearing Type:Thrust Cylindrical R; Dynamic Load Rating:5900 kN; H - Shoulder Diameter - Shaft:1091.4 mm; D1 - Small Diameter O.D.:1117.60 mm; D - Bearing O.D.:1117.600 mm; Limiting Speed:380 rpm; T1 - Ring Thickness:36.55 mm; B:139.700 mm; d - Bore Diameter:876.300 mm; Static Load Rating:33100 kN; r - Fillet Chamfer:6.4 mm; E - Shoulder Diameter - Housing:902.8 mm; d1 - Large Bore I.D.:876.30 mm; |
HCM7022-CDLR-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision ball bearings | D:270.000 mm; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:3.6 mm; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:167.89 mm; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:109000 N; Cup Part Number:Y30230M; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:250.44 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:735000 N; B:49.000 mm; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:245.11 mm; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:565000 N; |
HCM71915-C-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | Series:LL641100; Design Units:Imperial; Y - ISO Factor3:1.47; C - Cup Width:0.8438 in; D:10.2812 in; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius1:0.06 in; e - ISO Factor2:0.41; Cup Part Number:LL641110; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.14; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:9.80 in; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:10.02 in; |
HCM71913-C-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | K - Factor7:1.39; d:100 mm; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:112.01 mm; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:95300 N; B:49.000 mm; Y - ISO Factor9:1.43; C - Cup Width:39 mm; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:68600 N; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:167.89 mm; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:2.49 mm; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:114.05 mm; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.1; |
HCM7015-CDLR-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings | Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0 mm; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:3.560 mm; B - Cone Width:17.000 mm; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:1.8 mm; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:13200 N; d:38.000 mm; Cone Part Number:JL69349P; e - ISO Factor8:0.42; a - Effective Center Location3:-2.3 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:55000 N; Bearing Weight:0.20 Kg; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:9410 N; |
HCM7006-EDLR-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | Shaft Size:125 mm; Dimension H1:1.5 in; Weight:174 lb; Dimension M:7.0 in; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:81606 lbf; Cor - Static Load Rating:111505 lbf; Support Type:Four-Bolt Plummer Bl; Bearing Number:LSM125BR; Seal Type:High Temperature Pac; Ca - Axial Load Rating:4990.69 lbf; Dimension J:17.7 in; Housing Width:6.1 in; Dimension L:20.0 in; Pillow/Plummer Block Style:Split Cylindrical Ho; Dimension H:6.378 in; |
HCM71907-CDLR-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | Series:329000; Cg - Geometry Factor12:0.165; e - ISO Factor8:0.33; D:17.2460 in; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (One-Row, 90 million revolutions)3:64300 lbf; T - Bearing Width across Cups:5.1875 in; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:0.17 in; Cone Part Number:EE329117D; K - Factor7:1.76; Y2 - ISO Factor10:3.03; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):262; Y1 - ISO Factor9:2.04; Bearing Weight:137.30 lb; |
HCM71919-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision ball bearings | Cg - Geometry Factor:0.0694; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:2.3 mm; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:2960 lbf; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:60.96 mm; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):11.5; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:66.00 mm; Cup Part Number:19268; a - Effective Center Location3:-1.5 mm; K - Factor7:1.31; e - ISO Factor8:0.44; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:2250 lbf; |
HCM7021-E-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | UPC Code:087796360488; Design Unit:METRIC; r - Outer Ring To Clear Radius2:5.000 mm; R - Inner Ring To Clear Radius1:5.000 mm; Da - Outer Ring Backing Diameter:594.000 mm; d:400.000 mm; Y1 - ISO Factor5:2.84; B - Outer Ring Width:250.000 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:10400000 N; Cage Material:Brass; B - Inner Ring Width:250 mm; Reference Thermal Speed Rating (Grease):290; Bearing Weight:322.30 Kg; |
HCM7014-C-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings | Dimension F:10.83 in; Dimension A:3.15 in; Dimension D Min:7.72 in; C0 - Static Load:48600 lb; Dimension B:6.18 in; Float:0.083 in; Dimension SAA:4.33 in; Y2 - Geometry Factor:4.15; Grease Lubrication - M/N Seal:1800 rpm; Weight:35 lb; Pre Install Clearance Max:0.0026 in; Oil Lubrication - M/N Seal:1800 rpm; Grease Lubrication - B/C/O Seal:1500 rpm; UPC Code:0883450349239; Oil Lubrication - T Seal:3200 rpm; |
HCM71905-CDLR-T-P4S-XL FAG high precision bearings | Cup Part Number:JHM720210P; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:119.13 mm; C - Cup Width:32.000 mm; B - Cone Width:40.000 mm; Series:HM720200; C0 - Static Radial Rating:416000 N; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:4.3 mm; K - Factor7:1.24; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:331000 N; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:143.00 mm; d:100 mm; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.107; |
HCM7008-C-2RSD-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings | Design Units:Imperial; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)7:81400 lbf; B - Cone Width:2.5625 in; a - Effective Center Location4:5.61 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)6:386000 lbf; Series:LL788300; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.13 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:672000 lbf; Cone Part Number:LL788345; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.392; |
HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL FAG precision ball bearings Video
Precision Ball Bearings Part series HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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FAG HCM7009-E-T-P4S-XL Technical Articles
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